Cloud Stop Motion FAQs

General Questions

What devices can I use Cloud Stop Motion on?

Cloud Stop Motion runs completely within the browser on any modern device that is connected to the internet! As with most things, the more powerful your device, the better the experience. We recommend using the Chrome browser where possible, though other browsers are compatible - you can see a list here.

How much is Cloud Stop Motion?

Cloud Stop Motion is completely free to use, you only need to pay for your storage needs. We give each individual 500MB of free storage, which will give you enough space to get up and running and make a short film. You can then download that, delete from your account in the cloud, and start again on your next masterpiece, or choose to purchase access to addtional storage enabling you the ability to create bigger and bolder projects! You can see all the options by logging into Cloud Stop Motion and clicking the yellow 'Upgrade' link in the top right corner - but as a rough guide, we'd say enough storage for a keen individual animating at home with an HD webcam will cost as little as $25 for a year's storage subscription.
If you are a school or club looking to utilize our app, we are proud to advise that have a number of great value options for 'educational organizations'. Creating a free organization accounts allow you to manage an unlimited number of student accounts and groups. You'll immediately receive access to 2GB of free storage space to get your students animating, and then you can choose how much additional storage you would like according to your school size/animation ambitions.
If you log into your personal Cloud Stop Motion account and click on 'Schools/Organizations' link in the bottom right of the screen, you will be able to see a table of the different options - simply select your correct billing country located below the grid, and your appropriate pricing options will appear. As a guide, we say that an account with enough storage for approximately 30 students animating would be around $100 per year, and a larger organization account with enough storage for approximately 600 students animating would be around $600 per year - so proportionately cheaper. You can upgrade your allocated storage space at any point during your subscription period and only pay for the cost difference between the storage plans.
A top tip of ours is ensuring you remember that, once students have finished their projects, they (or you) can export their project as an MP4 file and download it to store locally, or simply export the movie directly into their Google Drive/OneDrive account, meaning they (or you) can proceed to delete the project, then empty the trash can, and free up the space the completed animation was using.
The amount of storage you need will depend on a number of factors, such as how many projects and exported films you are storing in the cloud (usually reflected by how many students are working on projects in the same term/time period), how many frames each animation contains, and what resolution the frames are being captured at.

Organization Accounts

How do I create an organization account

1.Log into Cloud Stop Motion
2.Click on the yellow - schools/organizations - link in the bottom right corner of the main Cloud Stop Motion Screen.
3.Click Create Organization Account on the next screen.
4.Select the 2GB free account and enter your school/organisation details, click Create Organization Account.
5.You will then be taken to a page where you need to set a verification code for your account, do this and click Continue.

How do I add students to my organization account?

You can import them manually or upload a spreadsheet, you will find instructions here
Guide to creating / importing students (PDF) (XLS)
How to login to Student Accounts guide (PDF))
Sample XLS file (XLS)